_Blog & Press
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Explore our team’s blog, which covers a wide variety of topics, including international law, immigration law, Colombian law and much more.

Is it really important to hire an immigration lawyer?
Emigrating to a new country, we all know, is a momentous and in almost all cases, very difficult step in our lives. Consequently, dealing with immigration issues is a real challenge, particularly when our destination is the United States of America. It all starts with...

Some tips for the first legal consultation
I am Luisa Osorio and as an administrative and client service assistant at J Kelley Law Group I have noticed that sometimes our clients may face difficulties in expressing clearly what they want in their immigration process and what they expect from their attorney and...

About exequatur in Colombia
For Colombian citizens who are not familiar with these types of legal terms and who live abroad or plan to settle outside their country, this information may be useful. The exequatur is a legal institution or jurisdictional procedure that arises from private...

One story and a thousand reasons: special young immigrants
The Special Immigrant Juvenile Juvenile (SIJ) category is a humanitarian nonimmigrant visa-like classification. Its main objective is to grant immigration benefits to immigrant children and youth who are in the United States due to abuse, abandonment, or neglect by...

If you are an entrepreneur, this is for you!
When creating a company, whatever it may be, the biggest concern of an entrepreneur is the separation of their product or service from everything else that is offered in the market. In a world where it seems that everything has already been invented, it is essential...

Dear immigrant: know your rights
An immigrant is any person who is outside the territory in which he/she has affective, social, or political ties, regardless of his/her migratory status, intention, or temporality. In other words, any person who leaves the territory of which he or she is a national,...